Category Archives: Art

Comicpalooza 2010? Awesome!

This past weekend I went to Comicpalooza, and had an amazing time. Definitely looking forward to what next year’s con has to offer…

The biggest thrill for me was getting the chance to meet a number of artists I’d followed for years, and in a couple cases get them to draw something for me:

Phil Foglio

IMG_3010_Foglio_ Comicpalooza 2010 - Phil Foglio - Growf (web)

Humberto Ramos

IMG_3006_Ramos_ Comicpalooza 2010 - Humberto Ramos - Impulse (web)

Jim Mahfood

IMG_3009_Mahfood_ Comicpalooza 2010- Jim Mahfood - Drink and Draw (web)

Andy Kuhn

IMG_3012_Kuhn_ Comicpalooza 2010 - Andy Kuhn - Hulk (web)

Ethan Van Sciver

IMG_3014_EVS_ Comicpalooza 2010 - Ethan Van Sciver - Wonder Woman (web)

Still kicking myself for not asking David Mack for a sketch – have to take care of that next time!