Better late than never…

Did I say I’d be posting new pictures of McKenna soon? :crazy: Oops! Here they are – a little late, but none the worse for wear. Hopefully the next batch won’t be too long in getting here…

In other news of the McKenna kind:

  • She’s discovered how to work her kick n’ play bouncer. Now that she’s learning how to entertain herself, we have a bit more time to ourselves. Honestly, though, we just watch her play now. 😀
  • We’re getting her hooked on TV early. Educational TV, that is. Picked up all the Baby Einstein collection and she really enjoys ’em.
  • Bath time is a lot less traumatic (for everyone involved) and I’d almost say she’s starting to enjoy it. Of course, that may just be because afterwards she gets to stare at herself in the mirror while she’s getting dried off. Portent of things to come? :rolleyes:
  • The holy grail of sleeping through the night is almost in our grasp. Sometimes she does, sometimes she doesn’t, and sometimes she REALLY doesn’t. :O
  • Baron thinks she’s old enough to pet him. Of course, he also thinks that any of her blankets we leave laying out are his blankets. Go fig.That’s it for now (What, you want more?!). Check back again for more updates. Same bat time. Same bat place. And as soon as I figure out what those are, I’ll be the first to know. 😉