Category Archives: Family Business

We don’t like Ike…

The hurricane, that is. πŸ˜‰

This is just a quick post to let folks know that we’re all okay and slowly getting things back to :quote:normal:unquote: (or at least what passes for normal around here). Listening to/watching the news, we came off way better than a lot of folks. Our electricity was turned back on last night, we had enough water pressure for baths/showers Sunday night, and the cool front couldn’t have come at a better time.

McKenna has powers beyond our understanding

Yesterday I was about to toss an old phone book into the recycle bin when I thought I’d have a little fun with McKenna. I showed her the thick book and asked her if she thought she could rip it in half. Wide-eyed, she said she couldn’t, but when I asked her if she wanted to try anyway she decided to give it a go. She spent only a second or two trying to do it the “strong man” way (ripping through all the pages), and then proceeded to open the book to the center pages and tear it down the length of the spine. 😯

Needless to say that’s the way I was planning to do it once she’d given up on doing it the “normal” way. How cool is that? Gotta love the way a 4 1/2 year old’s mind works. Amazing… πŸ˜€

Spring has sprung

Butterfly Closeup Spring has sprung – at least it has in McKenna’s room. A week or so ago we finally got around to putting up the cool butterflies that Jean found at the craft store (as well as a kite I’ve had for a long time). The end result was mighty nice.

There’s also a shot of the rainbow we painted a while back. It’s still waiting on a second coat of paint, but things are definitely coming together…


Kite and Butterflies Rainbow and Butterflies