All posts by Bill

Jean’s pregnant!!!

Okay, now we can “officially” spread the good news: Jean’s pregnant!!! Three weeks ago we got a chance to see the wee one for the first time and hear her (or his) heartbeat. Needless to say we’re both very excited and can’t wait till December 3rd (the due date) to meet the little guy (or gal).

It’s a shame things are always so boring around here, huh?

New page layout

Long time no updates. Figured I’d try and play with the presentation on this page a bit, if for no other reason than to feel like I’d done something on the site. I’ve also been toying with some other ideas for the site in general that’ll hopefully show up in the next couple weeks.

All the news that print to fit

Now I’ve gone and done it. Just what you never asked for: A page that’ll (hypothetically) keep you informed of what’s going on with the website and my life in general. There’s also a nifty time travel feature so I was able to jam in the stuff I’ve been doing over the last couple months… 😉