Nothing like a birth in the family to make this page a bit more timely.
Pictures of Maggie are available for your viewing pleasure here. Cute kid – must take after her mother. 😉 (not to recycle a joke or anything…)
Nothing like a birth in the family to make this page a bit more timely.
Pictures of Maggie are available for your viewing pleasure here. Cute kid – must take after her mother. 😉 (not to recycle a joke or anything…)
I’m please to report that my older brother Barry and his wife Pam are the proud parents of a bouncing baby girl. Maggie made her grand entrance around 3AM this morning, and mother and child are doing great. Congratulations!!! 😀
Yeah, as usual, I’ve been remiss in keeping this thing up to date. Best of intentions, and all that rubbish… While I’m here, a quick update on McKenna:
About a month or so after turning 1, McKenna decided to start walking and hasn’t really stopped since. Jean and I are getting even more exercise than usual, and McKenna is enjoying the fact that she’s so important now that she merits her very own entourage. 😉 Baron (our dog) has learned that McKenna’s fingers taste very good and he figures a little well intentioned (though not always gentle) petting from her is worth the risk. While on our trip to NC over the holidays McKenna took her self-assigned duty as “not-so-official greeter” very seriously, saying “hi” to everyone getting on the plane and waving. Too cute.
Today McKenna turns 1 year old! 😀 Hard to believe that it’s already been a year since she entered our lives…
Believe it or not, McKenna didn’t dive into her cake head first – as a matter of fact she worked to avoid having any cake at all. What’s up with that?! :confused: Gotta love the irony: parents trying to get their kid to eat sweets and them refusing. I’m sure it won’t be long till that’s no longer an “issue”. 😉
Enough folks were having trouble navigating the “quirky” way Yahoo handles access to secured folders :plain: that I’ve given up on that. Now all you have to do is go directly to the url and have at it.
Hopefully I’ll get some more clips out there soon.
New movie clip added to the Yahoo site: Thrill to the action as McKenna helps her mom sort the laundry!
More or less. :laugh:
Yep, McKenna’s a movie star now. Or something like that… I found some time to transfer some stuff off the video camera and on to the ‘puter, and now we’re passing the savings on to you! :confused:
Since the clips are on Yahoo at the moment, you’ll need a Yahoo ID to view ’em. If you don’t have one already, it won’t cost you anything and you really don’t have to give them much info. Heck, you might even like it. :O
Let me know your Yahoo ID and I’ll add it to the access list. Once that’s done, all you need to do is login to Yahoo and then go here. If you get a “Sorry, the page you requested was not found.” message, chances are you clicked on the link before you logged in.
The clips are in Winblows Media format, but as long as you’ve got a version of Media Player you should be okay. If the clips won’t play for you by clicking the link, try right-clicking the link and save the clip to your computer – then try opening it. Not sure why, but that worked when I was using an older version of Media Player. If that doesn’t work, send an email to Bill Gate$, I mean, let me know and I’ll see what I can do.
There are three clips out there right now, but more should be on the way over the next week or so…
Well, it’s official: McKenna is now standing on her own (more or less). We’re not sure if she realizes what she’s doing yet ;), but it’s only a matter of time before she’ll be running all over the place. She’s also getting good at helping her mom sort laundry – that is, until she falls into the basket… :laugh:
Still more where these came from, but here are some more recent shots of McKenna. Took me long enough, didn’t it?! :rolleyes:
As for the gal herself, McKenna’s doing great. She’s crawling all over creation and pulling herself to a standing position whenever she gets a chance (which is often). Thanks to our marathon road trips this summer she’s finally met her cousin, Jude, as well as all her aunts and uncles. A kid never had so many folks to wrap around her little finger. 😉 She’s quite the talker now, but we seem to have lost the translation manual so we just tend to smile and nod our heads a lot. It’s good practice for when she’ll be a teenager. 😎
Life is good. 😀
This just in – McKenna crawled for the first time yesterday! It was only a few “steps” at a time, but now that she’s had her first go at it, all bets are off. :crazy:
It’s been three months and I still haven’t gotten any new pictures up on the site. 🙁
Thankfully, I’ve got some vacation time coming up so hopefully I’ll find the time to get some of the newer shots out there. Keep your fingers crossed!
While I’m at it, McKenna continues to be our primary source of entertainment. For Father’s Day she wasn’t able to make it to the store to buy me a gift, so instead she cut her first two teeth. Watch out world! (And furniture, and toys, and Baron…) She’s also getting to be pretty mobile – rolling and scooting all over creation. I don’t know if I’d call it crawling just yet, but it’s only a matter of time. Time to start installing the Tot Locks… :O