I’m please to report that my older brother Barry and his wife Pam are the proud parents of a bouncing baby girl. Maggie made her grand entrance around 3AM this morning, and mother and child are doing great. Congratulations!!! 😀
Yeah, as usual, I’ve been remiss in keeping this thing up to date. Best of intentions, and all that rubbish… While I’m here, a quick update on McKenna:
About a month or so after turning 1, McKenna decided to start walking and hasn’t really stopped since. Jean and I are getting even more exercise than usual, and McKenna is enjoying the fact that she’s so important now that she merits her very own entourage. 😉 Baron (our dog) has learned that McKenna’s fingers taste very good and he figures a little well intentioned (though not always gentle) petting from her is worth the risk. While on our trip to NC over the holidays McKenna took her self-assigned duty as “not-so-official greeter” very seriously, saying “hi” to everyone getting on the plane and waving. Too cute.