You’ve asked for it. You’ve begged for it! You’ve even lost countless nights of sleep waiting for it!!!
Or not. 😉
Regardless, I’ve finally gotten off my butt (and then proceeded to put my butt in the chair in front of the ‘puter) and put some more pictures of McKenna out on the site. Here you go! She’s doing great and continues to be our primary source of entertainment. Her bag of tricks now includes:
Sticking everything within reach into her mouth
Talking constantly (we’re still working on translating at this point…)
Smiling – especially when she’s complimented
Rolling thither and yon, but not quite all the way over
Impersonating Jackie Chan – kicks a plenty!
Standing (more or less) as long as she has someone to help balance her. You’d think she’d wait until she’d learned to crawl first…In other news of note, the Walrus (our 1949 Cheverolet) came back from the shop yesterday and it’s running like a champ. 😀 After a long overdue wash and wax (yes, to the car) we all piled in for a trip through the neighborhood to see how many heads we could turn. Very cool. 😎