Yeah, pretty much. 😉
I’ve got plenty more pictures to post (as usual), but it’s been hard to find the time to get them out here (as usual). As a peace offering, though, here’s a shot of Jean and Cole from this past weekend:
Everybody is doing great. McKenna continues to be the world’s best big sister and Cole enjoys flashing his trademark smile whenever he can get a chance. Thankfully, he sleeps through the night more often than not these days and really enjoys playing in his bouncy chair or in his tunnel.
More updates soon. No, honest. I actually mean it this time.
😀 Jean (this is not to Bill) — It is VERY obvious that Mr. Cole is that happy because his Mom is taking super good care of him!! We are looking forward to seeing all of you guys REAL soon — (bill — nice pic!).
Bill, don’t worry about the pokey picture posting. We just uploaded a bunch of pics from, uh, last June (I think . . .) Anyway, I think procrastination goes with the territory. Priorities and stuff. Hmmmmmm, change the poopy diaper or post pictures to the site (thoughtful tapping of chin . . .)
Lovely photo, by the way. Must take after his Mum.