Merry Christmas! Things continue to be busy around here, but hopefully I’ll get a chance to post some new pictures of McKenna soon. Needless to say, it’s amazing how much she’s changed already in only four weeks time. 😎
Home at last – and pictures too!
Jean and McKenna came home Friday and both of them are doing fine. Sleep is a thing of the past :doze:, but we all couldn’t be happier. 😀
Finally had some time to post some pictures of our new bundle of joy here. Enjoy!
Who’s your Dada?
I’m ridiculously happy to announce the arrival of McKenna Joanne Tanner at 3:08pm today. McKenna weighed in at a dainty nine pounds and stands (well, she’s not standing just yet…) 21 inches tall. Both mother and child are doing great. Dad, on the other hand, is in sore need of some sleep. 😉
Invasion of the Smilies
Okay, I’ll admit it – I gave into the peer pressure. Smilies have successfully infiltrated the site and are, as we speak (read?), wrecking havok hither and yon. Use ’em in good health. 😛
Well, I think I’ve finally got the hang of Greymatter, and so far things are working pretty well. Still need to get everything looking the way I want, but otherwise we’re good to go. Gotta love that. 🙂 Now let’s see if I keep this sucker more up-to-date or not. And why should I have all the fun? There are also some new bells and whistles you get to play with:
– post your own comments
– search for older entries
– view entries by month
I know – I can’t stand the excitement either. 😉
Happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween!
As usual, I’m way behind on updates. Good news, though: Just stumbled on this great piece of code called Greymatter and I’m in the process of converting this page over to use it. Pretty slick way to go about it, if you ask me. Once everything’s in place it should be a lot easier for me to keep this information “fresh”.
In more important news, Jean and our daughter-to-be are doing well as the due date quickly approaches. One more month (or so) to go!
It’ll be a girl!
Let’s see what’s been going on lately…
On the baby front, just got to see her (Oh, haven’t I mentioned? It’s a girl!) again and everything’s going great. On the home front, we finally have our upstairs’ doors back (new carpet = doors needed to be cut – fun stuff that). Oh, and for you Jude fans, more pictures have been added. Whew!
Thoughts updated
Long overdue – more “deep and insightful” thoughts have finally been added to the thoughts page. There’s also a nifty new print friendly version of it available.
Progress report
Most of the rooms are painted, the new carpet is installed, the fish tank is moved, and the big furniture gets moved tomorrow. Whew! I think I’ll be ready for a two week nap after this…
Baby pictures are finally here
File this one under “What took you so long?”: Now there’s a picture section for our soon to be bundle of joy. It’s pretty small at the moment (the picture section and the baby, that is), but keep checking back for more pictures as we get ’em.