McKenna’s first day of :quote:school:unquote: (okay, it was pre-kindergarten…) was today, and by all reports she had a great time. It was a bit tougher on Jean and I, but that’s to be expected.:?
The journey continues…
McKenna’s first day of :quote:school:unquote: (okay, it was pre-kindergarten…) was today, and by all reports she had a great time. It was a bit tougher on Jean and I, but that’s to be expected.:?
The journey continues…
The good news? Plenty of update to the site. The not as good news? Still way behind on picture posts. Shocking, I know. :doze:
Here’s what’s been going on:
I think that’s all for now. Now, what to break next… 😉
Hope everyone is having a fun and safe 4th. We’ve been taking it easy today – wondering if the rain will stop in time for the “Chevy’s Freedom Over Texas with fireworks presented by Shell” celebration. I think they need a couple more sponsors – don’t you? :rolleyes:
Had a chance to post a couple more pics of McKenna and Cole today. Now I’m only, like, 6 months behind… :blush:
For anyone who’d like to know when the site is updated :quote:automagically:unquote:, now you can subscribe to receive site updates via email. Just pop your email address in the box on the right and click the button.
I also had a chance to post a couple new pictures in the sections for Family Business, McKenna, and Cole.
Now this section of the site is starting to fit in a bit better. I still need to tweak some of the colors, but so far, so good.
At the moment it’s a bit of a hack job, so if it causes anyone’s webbrowser to barf, please let me know…
After some hassles here and there with the old webhost, I finally took the plunge and moved the site to a new home. In addition to (hopefully) increased stability, I’ve been able to convert the News and Pictures sections over to some new software. Things are looking good so far, but don’t be surprised if you run across some broken links here and there while we get settled in.
I’ve still got to update this part of the site to fit in with everything else, looks-wise, but I’ve already been able to post some new shots in the Pictures section. Enjoy!
Yeah, pretty much. 😉
I’ve got plenty more pictures to post (as usual), but it’s been hard to find the time to get them out here (as usual). As a peace offering, though, here’s a shot of Jean and Cole from this past weekend:
Everybody is doing great. McKenna continues to be the world’s best big sister and Cole enjoys flashing his trademark smile whenever he can get a chance. Thankfully, he sleeps through the night more often than not these days and really enjoys playing in his bouncy chair or in his tunnel.
More updates soon. No, honest. I actually mean it this time.
First off, Cole’s doing great and we’re trying to remember what a full night’s sleep feels like. 😉 McKenna is enjoying being a big sister and getting Cole’s “trashifier” (pacifier) when he’s really letting us know how he feels about things. :crazy:
Things have been crazy busy around Tanner Manor, but I managed to post a couple new-ish pictures of Cole here to tide you over till I get the latest pictures up. Needless to say, the kid has changed a lot in only a month!
And, believe it or not, I posted a decent chunk o’ pictures of McKenna as well here. Still plenty more where those came from – as usual.
Cole William Tanner decided to show up a bit earlier than expected, considering his due date wasn’t until November 13th. :O He was born today, October 29th, at 5:12 PM (7 pounds 6 ounces and 20 inches tall), and the delivery couldn’t have gone smoother. Mother and child are doing great and are both looking forward to the extra hour of sleep they’ll (in theory 😉 ) be able to enjoy tonight. Father and big sister have both decided that Cole is way cool. 😎
It’s late, but I managed to get a picture or two put up on the site here. Plenty more to come soon. Time for bed…
Believe it or not, I’ve actually updated the site a bit. :O
Now that you’ve picked yourself up off the floor, here are today’s subtle differences:
In theory I’ll be posting some more pics of McKenna soon, but you’ve heard that one before… :rolleyes: